Ensure the water distribution pipe work is self – venting & self – draining. Do not create loops, air pockets etc. in pipework.

Provide only adequate threads on G.I. / P.V.C pipes so that no more than one of two threads are visible after jointing is complete. Avoid un-necessary deep threads.

Where pipes are concealed in walls, ensure that the chase is only the bare minimum required. Pipes to be as close to the finished surface as possible.

Provide sufficient space between hot and cold water pipes.

Identify finished wall surfaces correctly prior to installing concealed pip work, concealed stop cocks etc., So that C.P. wall flanges of faucets would fix correctly to finished surfaces. Fix temporary threaded pipe pieces at ends of concealed water supply pipes and ensure that they are perpendicular to walls.

Install union joint on water supply after each isolation valve.

Do not disturb or re-locate pipes after completion of hydraulic testing. Cover up concealed pipes / pipes in trenches after testing. Ensure that tests are witnessed and certified by representative of client / consultant.

Where possible, avoid use of reducing sockets by using reducing elbows / Branches, etc., to minimize number of fittings and joints on pipework.